Ashleigh Kopec

As one of our overnight emergency doctors, Dr. Kopec can be found treating a variety of cases and performing any given surgery at all hours of the night. After she graduated with her DVM from Tuft’s University in 2005, she made her way to Bolton Vet to begin her career. She chose our hospital as [...]

Nicole Kovacs

Native to New Jersey, Dr. Kovacs received her Bachelor of Science in Biology from Ursinus College (PA) in 2014 and her Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine (Virginia Tech) in 2019. She joined Bolton Veterinary Hospital following graduation. Her favorite thing about BVH is the ability to practice general medicine and [...]

Lindsey Mahoney

Dr. Mahoney received her Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University in the spring of 2019. Dr. Krupa is originally from Connecticut, growing up in Middletown and Old Saybrook. What Dr. Mahoney loves most about Bolton Vet is our family atmosphere, excellent patient care and high quality of [...]

Elizabeth LaVallee

Dr. LaVallee is a Connecticut native growing up in the small town of Somers. She received her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from the Atlantic Veterinary College on Prince Edward Island, Canada in 2020. She earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Vermont in 2014 and her Masters in Animals and Public Policy from the [...]

Kenneth Malm

Dr. Malm is known for his excellent skills in soft tissue surgery in addition to his work in companion animal medicine. He also has a long history of providing medical care for dairy cows, goats and sheep. After spending his childhood outside of Boston, Dr. Malm graduated with his Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine form Iowa [...]

Tanya Perry

Dr. Perry began working with animals at the young age of 14. Starting out working at farms, shelters and veterinary hospitals in Nova Scotia, Canada where she grew up, Dr. Perry went on to earn her Bachelor of Science from the University of Prince Edward Island. She graduated with her DVM from The Atlantic Veterinary [...]

Michelle Pesce

Dr. Pesce received her bachelor’s degree at Stony Brook University in Neurobiology & Physiology in 2008, then went on to vet school at Cornell University, graduating in 2012. She later pursued training for Certification in Veterinary Acupuncture in 2018-2019. Dr. Pesce chose to work at Bolton Vet for the opportunity to alongside many skilled doctors [...]

Brad Pikas

Dr. Pikas joined our staff in June 2005. He completed his undergraduate work in 1996 at Washington University in St. Louis, focusing on Environmental Sciences. He attained his D.V.M. from the University of Illinois in 2003 and continued with an internship in 2004 in small animal medicine, surgery, and critical care. He chose Bolton Veterinary [...]

William Pomper

Dr. Pomper grew up in Brooklyn, NY, with a plethora of animals ranging from mice and birds, to fish and turtles, and owning his first dog at the age of 11. As a teenager, Dr. Pomper raised poultry and swine for his uncles at their family-owned restaurant. With a doctor for a father and a [...]

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